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January 12, 2020

My Rating - 4 out of 5 stars
Publisher - Build Your Blisss
Genre - Biography
Publishing year - 2019
Language - English
ISBN - 978-1-5445-045-99
Pages - 392

My Review - 
Children leave you, so do husbands and lovers but your sisters-they are the only ones with you from crib till death.

Better Off Bald is a story of Adrienne Wilson, born in Birmingham, but lived with her elder sister Andrea in Los Angeles since she was eight years old. Adrienne was diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer and died at fifteen after fighting for 147 days. 

Andrea Wilson Woods was not only Adrienne's sister but her legal guardian too. Their mother was a drug addict and lost Adrienne's custody. It is a journey of two siblings who don't see quitting as an option. 

When they find out about cancer, Andrea blames herself for things she can do but doesn't. Adrienne never asked why me? She was brave and a bright teenager.

Adrienne was a scholar, loved going to school, and had high hopes for her future. Her life disintegrates slowly with her sister and John (Andrea's partner and a father figure for Adrienne). 

They go through a lot in those five months, but Adrienne lives her life, enjoys every moment, meets with her favourite celebrity, and never stops fighting. Her spiritedness gives hope to Andrea, who continuously fights for her schooling and treatment. 

Andrea spends most of her time taking care of her little sister, and when a financial crunch hits them, she spends the remaining time writing emails looking for help. 

She even learned all the medical terms and maintained a journal of every single movement of Adrienne's. The chemo didn't do much in her situation. One drug was given to lessen the other one's effect; for Andrea, it was a see-saw. 

Adrienne's case was considered a rare one. Andrea covers all the details of her sister's medication, which she got, and which she doesn't. Despite all the exhaustion, fear, and shock, Andrea and John tried their best to comfort her.

This book lets you through their daily struggles, teaches you, acquaints you, and makes you understand the importance of living every day to its fullest. Their bond grew stronger day by day. It is filled with Adrienne's pictures and journal entries, which make it more palpable. 

I recommend this book to everyone because Adrienne's story is admirable, inspiring, and worth your time. Also, it's critical to create awareness of hepatitis and cancer. 

All of this shit is temporary, pain is not real, cancer does not survive in me.- Adrienne

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