January 28, 2022

Lala Lajpat Rai Books

Besides an anti-British Nationalist, the leader of the Hindu Supremacy movement, and an extremist freedom fighter of India, Lala Lajpat Rai was also a noted writer. He aspired to a very prominent way of discussing his ideas about racial nationalists and how miserably India's condition had been under British rule. 

Inspired by the fierceness of words, he founded many magazines and newspapers that evoked interest in many Indian commoners about all that was important to know, which united them together. So, on his birth anniversary, we decided to share some of his notable works that you should definitely read because what is a better way than reading what the leader had to say through his own words.

1. England's Debt to India 

England's Debt to India

One of the best ways to learn History in detail is by reading review analysis and comments made by the nationalist upon reading and understanding Britisher's economic strategies. In this book, Lala Lajpat Rai discusses the economic factors that led to the prolonged stay and benefit to the British. 

He also references several English economists and politicians to support his argument and make sense of British strategies. There are also mentions of how Railways of India played their part in the fiscal efforts. You can find the book here.

2. Unhappy India 

Unhappy India

This book, Unhappy India, was written in response to a book written by a journalist named Miss Mayo, who saw nothing but India as an inferior country with ignorance. To give a more fitting and understandable response, Lala Lajpat Rai attempted to compare India's condition with the USA and Britain. You can find the book here.

3. Young India: An Interpretation and A History of The Nationalist Movement from Within 

Young India

Young India is perfect for anyone who wants to read about India's struggle to get freedom and how we succeeded. It traces the history of India from 1757 to the sepoy mutiny to finally independence and the changes made later till 1915. 

You can easily compare and analyze the difference in social and economic paradigm shifts throughout the timeline and why they were caused. You can find the book here.

4. An Open Letter to the Right Honorable David Lloyd George: Prime Minister of Great Britain 

Open Letter to the Right Honorable David Lloyd George

Lala Lajpat Rai wrote this letter in the June of 1917 to the then Prime Minister of England while he was extradited from India. He expresses how much pain he feels to be away from India and facts about the social and economic events relevant to the time back then. You can find the book here.

5. The Arya Samaj 

The Arya Samaj

Lala Ji wrote this book in London within a month, explaining its leaders' best mottos, doctrines, and views in the best words possible. Arya Samaj is one of the first practices of religious conversion in Hinduism. The organization also worked actively to support civil rights in India. You can find the book here.

6. Pandit Guru Datta Vidyarthi: Life and Work 

Pandit Guru Datta Vidyarthi

This book is a comprehensive account of the life and works of Pandit Guru Datta Vidyarthi, who was known for being an atheist. Lala Lajpat's book on him records his life journey to believing in Dharma and how he practiced it. You can find the book here.

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