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July 19, 2024

Hello Dear Reader,

I'm going to share something personal, something that has been on my mind for a long time. I've thought many times before talking about it. It's about my mental and physical well-being. 

For the last few years, I've been struggling a lot, and last month I was diagnosed with PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disorder). I had shared about my experience with COVID-19 before, but what I didn't share was how poor my lifestyle had become.

I started doing yoga, and after seven months, my routine was disrupted by many planned and unplanned events. I lost control over my diet, and the stress from my personal and professional life increased my mental health issues. 

This led me to eat more, as eating and binge-watching have always been my coping mechanisms. But it resulted in high LDL levels, pre-diabetes, hormonal imbalances, irritation, emotional sensitivity, and weight gain issues.

Even though I'm on the path to recovery and healthy living, each day is difficult for me. I've controlled my diet and started doing yoga along with other physical activities. 

I don't want to bore you with the numbers of how much I weighed or how much I lost in a month because I don't want to create any pressure on anyone. Everyone has a different lifestyle and habits. 

Aakanksha Jain

My purpose is to create awareness and pour my heart out so that I can feel a little relief.

You might have noticed that I'm not very active on social media or with blogging these days. It's because I have very low energy. I'm not in a reading slump, but it's still very, very difficult to do anything related to my work these days. 

Maybe it's because my mind and body need my whole attention. Many times, I've thought about stopping book reviews, and maybe I will in the future. I don't know. 

For now, I will complete all my projects and then see what's next for me.

I feel overwhelmed even with mundane tasks like opening a book package, clicking a picture of it or taking care of my plants. Everything feels like too much. 

I know I'm not alone, as almost one-third of women globally suffer from PCOD or PCOS. With some lifestyle changes, we will be perfectly fine and healthy. 

But I do want to emphasize the importance of having someone in your corner who understands and supports you during this difficult phase.

People and doctors always say, "Don't Take Stress," but we know how difficult it is with our hormonal imbalance, overthinking, anxiety, and depression. 
When you don't have someone to make your life easier, it's not easy to live a stress-free life. 

But dear women, I hear you, I see you, I feel and share your pain. That's why my DMs are always open for any kind of help you need or if you just want a friendly face in your life. 

Maybe I will take some time to respond because of my own inability to do much these days, but I will for sure.

On this note, I must say that I'm feeling a little lighter as some kind of burden has been lifted. I appreciate you reading my rambling, and I would love all kinds of support from you if you can provide it.

Thank you and have a good life.


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