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August 11, 2024

As I sit down to write this, my heart is full. When I first started Books Chharming, I had no idea it would grow into the vibrant community it is today. 

This week, we’ve reached a significant milestone—1.5 million views! 

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude, and I want to take a moment to reflect on this incredible journey and, most importantly, to thank you, the readers, for making this possible.

Reaching 1.5 Million Views: A Heartfelt Thank You from Books Chharming

The Journey So Far:

Books Chharming began as a passion project, a space where I could share my love for books with others who felt the same way. From the beginning, I poured my heart and soul into every post, every review, and every interaction. 

I wanted this blog to be more than just a collection of book reviews—I wanted it to be a place where readers could connect, discover new authors, and feel the same excitement about books that I do.

But reaching 1.5 million views? That’s something I never imagined. 

It’s a testament to the power of community, the love of literature, and the amazing support I’ve received from all of you. Every view, every comment, every share has brought us to this point.

Insights from Our Global Community:

Books Chharming has reached readers from all corners of the globe, and I’m thrilled to share some insights about where our community comes from:

India: 565K views
United States: 215K views
Hong Kong: 93.4K views
Indonesia: 86.7K views
Germany: 55K views
Sweden: 44.4K views
Russia: 37.7K views
United Kingdom: 22.1K views
Israel: 21.6K views
Pakistan: 19.3K views
Philippines: 18.7K views
Singapore: 18.2K views
Canada: 16.8K views
Ukraine: 15K views
France: 8.01K views
Nepal: 4.72K views
Türkiye: 4.4K views

And there are many more readers from other countries, contributing to the vibrant, global conversation we’ve built together. Seeing how far we have reached is both humbling and inspiring. 

It’s amazing to know that our shared love for books transcends borders and connects us in ways I never dreamed possible.

The Time and Energy Behind the Scenes:

Running Books Chharming is a labour of love, but it’s also a lot of hard work. There are countless late nights spent reading, writing, and editing. 

There are hours dedicated to researching new books, connecting with authors, and engaging with readers. And, of course, there’s the time spent planning and strategizing how to make this blog even better for you.

But no matter how much time and energy I invest, it’s all worth it when I see the impact Books Chharming has had. Knowing that my reviews have helped someone find their next favorite book, or that an author has gained new readers because of a feature on the blog, makes it all worthwhile.

A Heartfelt Thank You:

This milestone isn’t just mine—it’s ours. Without you, there would be no Books Chharming. Every single one of you who has visited the blog, left a comment, shared a post, or simply taken the time to read what I’ve written—you’ve helped make this achievement possible.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this journey. Your support means the world to me, and it motivates me to keep going, to keep sharing, and to keep growing.

Looking Ahead:

I’m also looking forward to the future as we celebrate this milestone. There are so many exciting plans in the works for Books Chharming—more reviews, more author interviews, and more ways to connect with this incredible community. I can’t wait to see where the next chapter of this journey takes us.

Thank you again for helping Books Chharming reach 1.5 million views. Here’s to many more milestones and many more stories shared together!

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With all my gratitude,

Founder, Books Chharming

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