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September 5, 2024

My Rating - 4 out of 5 stars

Publisher - Story Mirror
Genre - Non-Fiction
Publishing year - 2024
Language - English
ISBN - 978-93-6070-724-8
Pages - 254

Why We Become Who We Become by Neelkamal Kashyap

Book Review - 

Reading Why We Become Who We Become felt like a journey into the depths of the human mind, filled with thought-provoking insights into what makes us who we are. Neelkamal Kashyap has done an incredible job of taking readers through the various stages of life—childhood, teenage years, and adulthood—helping us understand how each phase shapes our identities.

One of the things that immediately struck me was how relatable the content is. I found myself reflecting on my own life, questioning why I have certain traits or reactions, and seeing how much of it stems from early experiences.

The author argues that our personalities are essentially shaped during childhood, and as I read through his explanations, I realized how accurate that is. It reminded me of things I experienced growing up and how they influenced the person I have become today.

His writing style is very straightforward, which I appreciated. He does not try to overwhelm the reader with heavy psychological jargon but instead makes complex topics easy to understand. His examples were clear, and he touched upon real-life situations that everyone can relate to in one way or another. 

For instance, the way he explained the impact of parental behaviour on a child's future decisions was something I’ve seen play out in my own life and those around me. It felt like he was giving me the language and framework to better understand things I’d always wondered about.

The sections that delve into adolescence were particularly interesting. Neelkamal Kashyap breaks down how the teenage years, often so turbulent and confusing, play a crucial role in setting the foundation for adulthood. It made me think about how much pressure society puts on teenagers to “figure everything out,” when in reality, that period is all about exploration and mistakes, which help shape us for the future.

As the book transitioned into adulthood, it felt like the final pieces of a puzzle were being placed. The author ties everything together beautifully, showing how the experiences from our earlier stages carry into the decisions we make, the careers we pursue, and the relationships we form as adults. 

I found the author’s thoughts on personal growth particularly inspiring. He emphasizes the importance of continual learning and self-awareness, which resonated with me deeply. His insights reminded me that even though our childhood shapes us, we are not bound by it forever. There is always room for growth and change.

In conclusion, it is an enlightening read for anyone interested in understanding human behaviour and personal development. The author provides a thorough examination of how we evolve through life, blending psychology with personal reflection. 

I walked away from this book with a deeper understanding of myself and a renewed motivation to keep growing. It is a book that I think would benefit anyone, regardless of where they are in life because we all have room for development and learning. 

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