A. I only started writing just over a year ago, although it was something I always wanted to do. Life and bills just got in the way. But now I’ve started, I’ve got the bug.
A. I am currently working on book three of The Spotlight Tales. I hope to have it finished in about a month. My illustrator is also busy with a children’s story I have written. This could take some time, though, as he also has a fulltime job in a computer company.
A. Mainly from the news. Life is strange and abundant. It provides plenty of material.
Q.4 What advice do you have for writers?
A. Write for yourself, enjoy it, and be ready to listen to others’ opinions.
Q.5 Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
A. I write in the style that suits me. I really hope readers will like it.
Q.6 If you could tell your younger writing self-anything, what would it be?
A. Stop trying to use clever words.
Q.7 What are the most important magazines or websites for writers to subscribe to?
A. Goodreads is absolutely essential. There is a friendly and knowledgeable community there, waiting for you to talk to them.
Q.8 What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
A. I must say that I haven’t found this to be an obstacle. Although, I probably would struggle if I have to describe the pain of giving birth.
Q.9 How do you select the names of your characters?
A. I decide relatively quickly, based normally on people I know, on characters I have read about, or simply on the sound.
Q.10 Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?
A. I always read them. I really appreciate the comments. Bad reviews are still opinions, and I value them as much as positive ones. Sometimes the criticism can really help me frame improvements.
A. Writing is not my career. I have a fulltime job. But they give me the time I need to research and give me encouraging words.
Q.12 What do your fans mean to you?
A. I’m not sure I could claim to have fans. When I get one, I will surely feel very flattered! I just hope they do not turn out to be as fanatical as Annie Wilkes in Misery. That wouldn’t be good.
Q.13 How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
A. So far two. Mo and Exit Velocity. I like different things about them. I really liked writing the interaction between the character Mo and the Old Moth, and also between Mo and Runner. In Exit Velocity, I got really involved in the structure. This one took a lot of planning.
Q.14 Do you have any unique and quirky writing habits?
A. I always drink tea while writing. Always.
Q.16 What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?
A. I’m not sure. I haven’t come across anything that concerns me. Generally, people seem nice and willing to help.
Q.17 Who edited your book and how did you select him/her?
A. I edited it myself. Not a good idea, as even after several readings I found typos.
A. I would like to meet all of the prophets. Just to ask some questions I have. Much of what we experience in the world today is a direct consequence of words that were said hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Q.19 What is your favorite book and why?
A. At the moment, The Book Thief. I loved the unique writing style. The storyline was gripping, too.
Q.20 How can readers discover more about you and your work?
A. Visit my website: www.thespotlighttales.com
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