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Interview with Anil Prabhu

He is a technology professional who currently works in an IT company and resides in North Carolina, USA. He was born in Kochi, in the state of Kerala, India. Anil completed his schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Naval Base, Kochi and earned his master’s degree in software engineering from Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala.

Q.1 Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
I am a huge potato fan. In my book, N x N: The Beginning, I have drawn a parallel between my deep affection for potatoes and the protagonist’s (Aditya's) fondness for them. This is a detail that only my close relatives are privy to. The sight of potatoes in any dish brings me immense joy and satisfaction

Q.2 When should we expect your next book? What will it be about?
I am planning to release the second book in the N x N: The Beginning series in mid-2025 or later.

Q.3 What inspired you to write N x N: The Beginning?
A small part of the book came to me in a dream in early 2021, and that's when I began developing the story.

Q.4 Can you describe your writing process for this book? How long did it take to complete?
It took 18 months to fully develop the story, which remained in my mind during that time. Once I began writing, it took me 4 months to complete. 

Initially, I self-published on Amazon KDP in January 2023. A year later, I approached APK Publisher, and the editing and publishing process with them took 3 months to complete.

Q.5 What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
It's very challenging to understand what goes on in the mind of the opposite sex. I found this to be the most difficult part.

Q.6 How do you select the names of your characters?
I chose a character name I am familiar with and have read about.

Q.7 How do you handle writer’s block or creative challenges when they arise?
I take walks to clear my mind and spark new ideas. A pleasant stroll not only refreshes me but also helps me overcome creative challenges. The change of scenery and physical activity often inspire fresh perspectives and solutions to any creative blocks I encounter.

Q.8 What is your writing routine like? Do you have any specific habits or rituals that help you write?
I don't adhere to any specific rituals when it comes to writing. On some days, when everything falls into place, I can write 20-25 pages effortlessly. However, there are also days when I struggle to write even a single line.

Q.9 What kind of research did you undertake to recreate the 10th-century Kingdom of Kochi?
I was born in Kochi, and from a young age, I have heard various stories about its history and visited many historical sites in and around the city. Since my work is fiction, I have exercised some creative liberties in depicting details about the past.

Q.10 How do you see your writing evolving in the coming years? Are there any new genres or themes you’d like to explore?
For the next 4-5 years, I plan to continue writing in the same genre. After that, I may consider exploring other genres.

Q.11 What do you hope readers take away from your book?
The book appeals to a diverse audience, offering something for everyone. Based on initial feedback, Kochi natives felt nostalgic while reading. Some readers were captivated by the thrilling games, others appreciated the blended philosophy, and surprisingly, 'Cobra Man' garnered unexpected attention.

Q.12 How do you deal with feedback and criticism of your work?
Feedback has been instrumental in refining this book into an engaging read. As a first-time author, I never imagined myself in this role, but the feedback and input from readers have proven invaluable, not only in enhancing this book but also in guiding me for future projects.

Q.13 If you could give one piece of advice to aspiring writers, what would it be?
If you have a story or an idea, start writing and keep going. Once you pass the 10-page mark, you'll gain the confidence to complete the book. You can always revisit and revise your initial work if you're not satisfied with it. The key is to keep moving forward and not to stop.

Q.14 What are you currently reading, and how do you choose what to read next?
Currently, I am dedicating my efforts to writing my next book. In addition to writing, I have a broad reading interest and enjoy exploring books from all genres. I am particularly drawn to any book that captures my attention, regardless of its category.

Q.15 The book incorporates elements of adventure, mystery, and philosophy. How did you blend these genres together?
I wouldn't label them as philosophical; rather, they are simply a collection of spontaneous thoughts that crossed my mind and that I jotted down.

Q.16 Were there any particular scenes or characters that were difficult to write? How did you overcome these challenges?
Games are difficult to write. It took longer for me to describe the gaming events.

Q.17 If you could meet any fictional character from your book, who would it be and why?
I would love to meet Govind. He has a captivating personality and always keeps the atmosphere lively. Everyone has a Govind in their lives—someone whose absence is keenly felt whenever they're not around. His presence truly makes a difference, and we always miss him when he's not in the room.

Q.18 How has writing this book influenced you as an author and as a person?
It has boosted my confidence and taught me that nothing is impossible. With hard work and dedication, we can accomplish any task.

Q.19 Are there any particular authors or works that have influenced your writing style or the creation of your book?
Every book I have read has offered me something new, whether it's knowledge, wisdom, goodness, or thought-provoking ideas. My book features games set in historical contexts, blending action, adventure, and philosophy. I aimed to develop my own unique writing style, and I hope readers have enjoyed it.

Q.20 Share the experience of your writing journey so far.
Writing this book has been an incredible experience. I never imagined I would become an author. Initially, I wanted to share my story with a director or scriptwriter for a movie or web series. However, since I didn't know anyone in the industry, I decided to write my first book to share this story with the world.

I am absolutely delighted to have Books Chharming assist in spreading the word about my book. It means a great deal to me that you have chosen to showcase N x N: The Beginning on your esteemed blog. Additionally, I am grateful for the thoughtful questions you have posed during the feature.

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