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Interview with Nathan Ogloff

He has always had a fascination with storytelling ever since he attempted to make a time travel book in 3rd grade. However, it was only in the 4th and 5th grades that his commitment to creative world-building really took off after he saw the Star Wars trilogy.

Ever since then, he has been determined to stretch the limits of storytelling and blow people away with his one-of-a-kind ideas. When he's not frantically trying to pump out the next novel, he spends his time making spaceships in Lego studio and adding to his ever-increasing heavy metal Spotify playlist.

Q.1 Tell us something about yourself that not many people know?
I'm aromantic - asexual. This comes as a surprise to most people considering the jokes I crack.

Q.2 When should we expect your next book? What will it be about?
November 2024. It'll continue the saga of The Sapien Empire as the protagonists continue to expand their realm of rebuilt civilization.

Q.3 When did you decide to write The Sapien Empire?
2013! Yes, I know! It's been a long time coming, but that is the year I dedicated myself to getting this book out the door.

Q.4 What challenges did you face while writing this book?
Many. I thought I had bitten off more than I could chew. Then there were my own self-doubts. Combine that with the idea that I was taking too long, I thought I wasn't cut out for this. In short, my greatest challenge was me.

Q.5 Can you share some insights into the inspiration behind the character of Shindo Dacan, particularly his combination of social awkwardness and engineering genius?
Yes. He's partly me in the story. I've always liked big, unique, interesting machines. I loved watching Modern Marvels and Extreme Machines on the Discovery channel. Also, I found out in 2008 (although I don't have an official diagnosis) that I had high-functioning autism - not as extreme as Shindo's though.

Q.6 Which character(s) in this book spoke to you the most?
Shindo Dacan.

Q.7 What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing this book?
That I have imposter syndrome, and I am qualified to do this, and that I can make a fascinating story that blows people away.

Q.8 The introduction of Jarim Alsaedon as a character seems to add a new dimension to Shindo's journey. What role does Jarim play in Shindo's quest for revenge and, later, in his efforts to rebuild civilization?
In essence, she keeps him grounded. She helps him understand the world and especially people. Also, she kind of acts as a big sister/mother-type role. Shindo is idealistic. Jarim helps bring him to reality.

Q.9 What do you hope readers will take away from your book, both in terms of entertainment value and deeper themes or messages?
I want them to be thinking about these days after they're done reading it. I want them to think this is one of the most original pieces of content they've read. I want them to also understand that our societies are complex and nuanced, with complicated problems. Those problems require complicated solutions and sometimes no matter what you do, someone will get angry even if you have the purest of intentions.

Q.10 Could you delve into the themes of redemption and forgiveness as they relate to Shindo's character arc, especially in light of his actions and their consequences?
Guy just wants to make the world a better place. Sometimes he doesn't know how to do it. Sometimes fear gets the best of him. Every step along the way, as he makes the world better and better, is a step in the right direction. However, ultimately, he can't reverse the past. That's why he never feels fully satisfied.

Q.11 The blurb ends with a question about whether Shindo can design a stable peace. Without giving any spoilers can you tell us what obstacles he encounters in this endeavor, and what sacrifices must he make along the way?
Things are never straightforward. Just when he thinks he has the answer, the world throws something new his way. It always changes the game. I'll say this: He's going to meet people in the second novel who think the collapse of society was a good thing or have drastically different ways of believing what a better world is.

Q.12 How do you select the names of your characters?
Depends on the character. Side characters either have quirky, interesting names; or a name I took from a friend, modified a bit, and used it for a character. The main characters are different. Their names are amalgamations of historical figures who share similar roles or personalities.

Q.13 Tell us about your writing process while you’re working?
Working a full-time job? When I was, I'd write after I got home. Working on my author career? I write in the evenings, do marketing, and go to the gym during the day.

Q.14 Do you have any unique and quirky writing habits?
I disconnect my internet when I write.

Q.15 How do your family/friends feel about your book or writing venture in general?
They love it! They've been very supportive of my efforts. Some have even bought the book and left reviews.

Q.16 The narrative seems to blend elements of science fiction, political intrigue, and personal drama. How did you go about balancing these different aspects to create a cohesive story?
An act of God! Honestly, that's probably why it took me so long to write the book. This happened over several iterations. I find it helps to write down what I don't understand when I'm confused. With that being said, I wrote down several tenets that kept me focused as I wrote this. Whenever I veered off track, I'd look at those tenets to get me back on point.

Q.17 Who designed your book covers? How do you select him/her?
Partly me. I made a mockup and found a guy on Fiverr. I told him the mockup was a general idea and if he could make something out of it. I got his premium package and was not disappointed. From everyone's reaction to my cover, I made the right choice.

Q.18 Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?
A. George Carlin
. I loved his cynicism and I'd like to see what he thought of my books and me, especially since he thought the toilet was flushed and humanity was circling down the bowl.

Q.19 What books have most influenced your life?
A. Lord of the Rings
, Dune, Swan Song, and Foundation and Empire.

Q.20 Share the experience of your writing journey so far?
A lot of blood, sweat, and tears! I've had my ups and downs, setbacks, and good moments. As I tell people, a bad day doing this is still better than a good day anywhere else.

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