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Interview with Tomson Robert

He is a new-age author, whose literary contributions encompass four compelling publications. His mastery of realistic narratives, characters that resonate with readers, and brisk storytelling has inspired countless readers. 

Beyond the realm of fiction, Tomson is a Partner at EY, boasting over 15+ years of expertise in financial services consulting. His personal life is equally fulfilling, as he resides in Dubai with his beloved wife, Cini, and their cherished daughter, Lea.

Q.1 Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
While studying, I earned pocket money by emceeing at events and also did a short stint as a Video Jockey for a TV channel.

Q.2 When should we expect your next book?
My next book, aimed at Gen Z and exploring a genre I've never worked with before, is targeted for release by Q4 2025.

Q.3 What inspired you to write The Celebrity CEO?
At the core of, the book sheds light on Mental Health. On average 1 in 5 corporate employees suffer from mental health-related issues and I have seen the burnout and ill consequences of this firsthand.

Q.4 What challenges did you face while writing this book?
Ariyan is the protagonist; however, he begins as a character who is arrogant, selfish, and a megalomaniac. Driving the story with a character possessing such negative traits while still keeping the reader engaged was a challenging task.

Q.5 Can you share a bit about your writing process? How do you develop your characters and plotlines?
I use a two-step approach to write my books. First, I write a short summary that outlines the story and the main characters. This summary helps me plan out each chapter. Then, I go through each chapter, again and again, adding more details and making the story richer every time.

Q.6 Which character(s) in this book spoke to you the most and why?
The character that resonated with me the most is Nicole. Despite Ariyan being her superior, she consistently demonstrated the courage to express her opinions candidly. 

Throughout the narrative, her unwavering loyalty and support for Ariyan, in moments of triumph as well as adversity, truly stood out. I find her depiction of steadfast friendship particularly compelling, as such genuine connections are scarce.

Q.7 When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer?
It became clear when I realized that singing and dancing were not my strengths—just a bit of humour there. As a Management Consultant by profession, a significant part of my job involves storytelling: identifying the core issues and advising the most effective solutions. I recognized that I had a natural talent for this aspect of my work and decided to further refine my skills by venturing into writing.

Q.8 What is the best piece of advice you have received, as a writer, to date?
To 'show' rather than merely 'tell'—immersing the reader in the narrative.

Q.9 What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing this book?
In the course of researching for my book, I learned about Plato's Allegory of the Cave and was fascinated to learn about its profound impact on numerous cinematic works including The Matrix and The Trueman Show.

Q.10 How many books have you written? Which one is your favourite?
Among the four books I have penned, Alumni of the Year stands out as my favoured work, signifying the pivotal moment of my debut in full-length novel writing.

Q.11 As an author, what message or emotion do you hope readers take away from this book?
A. The Celebrity CEO
covers a range of topics, but the central message I'd highlight is the importance of mental health, particularly within the corporate world. It's crucial not only to be mindful of our own well-being but also to support the mental health of our colleagues.

Q.12 What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
For me it is understanding the varied perspectives. It requires empathy and a commitment to understanding viewpoints that may differ significantly from my own.

Q.13 Do you have any quirky or interesting writing habits?
I listen to the Interstellar soundtrack by Hans Zimmer while writing; it helps me focus.

Q.14 It is vital to get exposure and target the right readers for your book. Tell us about your marketing campaign.
Writing and publishing are only 50% of the journey. The other 50% is all about marketing. My marketing campaign is a blend of influencer-driven campaigns, Amazon ads, and social media promotions.

Q.15 How long, on average, does it take you to write a book?
Since writing is a side hustle for me, it typically takes about one year to finish a manuscript and an additional year to navigate the publishing process.

Q.16 How do you select the names of your characters?
I choose names for characters thoughtfully, considering the geographic location, their personality traits, and the role they play within the story's context.

Q.17 Who designed your book covers? What are the selection criteria for finalizing the cover and artist?
No matter what they say, books are judged by their covers. Credit for the cover design of The Celebrity CEO goes to my publisher, NuVoice. Since the book is centred around a character, the cover was specifically designed to reflect the protagonist's personality.

Q.18 Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with good or bad ones?
I take criticism constructively. In fact, in my previous books, many reviewers mentioned that the plots were predictable. So, I took that feedback into account and crafted The Celebrity CEO with an unpredictable plot.

Q.19 Are there any particular authors or works that have influenced your writing style?
Absolutely. Paulo Coelho for his philosophy, Chetan Bhagat and John Grisham for their simplistic writing, and Ravi Subramanian for his focus on corporate stories

Q.20 Share the experience of your writing journey so far.
It has been a rewarding experience that has enriched both my personal and professional life. Writing is the reason I now hold a Golden Visa in the UAE. It has also provided me with opportunities to meet many new people and forge friendships.

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